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ccCcc 2019-05-17 06:30:13" target="_blank"> Model 500 - Bang The Beat (Instrumental Version)" target="_blank"> Model 500 - Off TO Battle" target="_blank"> DJ Dijital - Logic 1
Ez történt - Október 1.-én 2013-10-01 09:45:41
Október 1. 845 CHINA Sallam, a Spanish Jewish merchant, reached China. Jews often served as a mercantile bridge between the Latin and Arab speaking worlds. Hebrew remained the language used between Jews worldwide. There was also legal conformity between the far-flung Jewish communities, which further stimulated stability in trade. Sallam was said to speak 30 languages. (az els...
Ez történt - Augusztus 14.-én 2013-08-14 09:16:22
Augusztus 14. 1447 August 14, CASIMIR IV (Poland) Following a fire in Posen which decimated the community, Casimir IV renewed all the rights of Jews and made his charter one of the most liberal in Europe. This charter lasted less then a decade before it was revoked. 1843. augusztus 14. Hét évig tartó véres harcok után véget ér a második szeminol háború, amely azzal vég...
Ez történt - Június 25.-én 2013-06-25 09:22:07
Június 25. 1240 June 25, NICHOLAS DONIN (France) A renegade Jew under the patronage of Louis IX. He convinced Pope Gregory IX to confiscate the Talmud on the grounds that it was anti-Christian. A debate ensued with Rabbi Yehiel of Paris and three other Rabbis speaking in defense of the Talmud. Rabbi Yehiel wasn't allowed to counterattack or take the offensive in his argument....
Ez történt - November 25.-én 2012-11-25 10:08:08
November 25. 1744. november 25. Osztrák katonák zsidókat ölnek és fosztogatnak Prágában. 1939: Germany reports four British ships sunk in the North Sea, but London denies the claim. 1940. november 25. A Patria nevű gőzös 1500 németországi zsidó menekülttel befut Haifa kikötőjébe, a brit gyarmati hatóságok azonban a bevándorlási kvóta túllépése miatt nem engedik partra szá...
Ez történt - Október 12.-én 2012-10-12 06:05:46
Október 12. 1285. október 12. Münchenben megégetnek 180 zsidót, mert nem voltak hajlandók felvenni a keresztséget. 1285 October 12, MUNICH (Germany) A blood libel resulted in the death of 68 Jewish inhabitants. The one hundred and eighty survivors were burned alive in the synagogue. 1492 October 12, LOUIS DE TORRES (Spain-America) Became the first white man to set fo...
Ez történt - Október 1.-én 2012-10-01 09:35:06
Október 1. 845 CHINA Sallam, a Spanish Jewish merchant, reached China. Jews often served as a mercantile bridge between the Latin and Arab speaking worlds. Hebrew remained the language used between Jews worldwide. There was also legal conformity between the far-flung Jewish communities, which further stimulated stability in trade. Sallam was said to speak 30 languages. (az els...
Ez történt - Augusztus 14.-én 2012-08-14 08:27:00
Augusztus 14. 1447 August 14, CASIMIR IV (Poland) Following a fire in Posen which decimated the community, Casimir IV renewed all the rights of Jews and made his charter one of the most liberal in Europe. This charter lasted less then a decade before it was revoked. 1843. augusztus 14. Hét évig tartó véres harcok után véget ér a második szeminol háború, amely azzal vég...
Ez történt - Június 25.-én 2012-06-25 07:37:30
Június 25. 1240 June 25, NICHOLAS DONIN (France) A renegade Jew under the patronage of Louis IX. He convinced Pope Gregory IX to confiscate the Talmud on the grounds that it was anti-Christian. A debate ensued with Rabbi Yehiel of Paris and three other Rabbis speaking in defense of the Talmud. Rabbi Yehiel wasn't allowed to counterattack or take the offensive in his argument....
Ez történt - November 25.-én 2011-11-25 05:41:56
November 25. 1744. november 25. Osztrák katonák zsidókat ölnek és fosztogatnak Prágában. 1939: Germany reports four British ships sunk in the North Sea, but London denies the claim. 1940. november 25. A Patria nevű gőzös 1500 németországi zsidó menekülttel befut Haifa kikötőjébe, a brit gyarmati hatóságok azonban a bevándorlási kvóta túllépése miatt nem engedik partra szá...
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