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Angol idézetek a nőkről 2024-03-18 21:45:08
Angol idézetek a nőkről When men and women agree, it is only in their conclusions; their reasons are always different. Ha egy férfi és egy nő egyetért, csak a konklúzió közös; az érveik mindig különböznek. George Santayana A woman has two smiles that an angel might envy, the smi...
A legszebb angol idézetek - életről, szerelemről,barátságról 2021-03-23 20:00:28
Ez történt - Június 19.-én 2013-06-19 10:00:26
Június 19. 1269. június 19. Szent Lajos francia király rendelete alapján a zsidóknak szégyenszalagot kell viselniük. 1296 June 19, BOPPARD AND OBERWESEL (Germany) A blood libel instigated by Rindfleish, a German knight, resulted in the murder of 40 Jews. Heine's Der Rabbi von Bacherach was based on this massacre. Over the next few years the slaughter of thousands of victim...
The State of Israel - The First 25 Years 2013-06-08 11:55:57
Zionists Choose Palestine To establish a Jewish state, territory was needed, but where? It worried the Zionists from the start, but they did not think only of Palestine. L Pinsker, a Zionist ideologist, wrote: We do not have to settle at the very place where our statehood was crushed and wiped out... We want nothing but a tract of land that would be our property......
Ez történt - Június 6.-án 2013-06-06 10:15:23
Június 6. 1242 June 6, PARIS (France) All copies of the Talmud were confiscated by decree of Pope Gregory IX and King Louis. Declaring that the reason for the stubbornness of the Jews was their study of the Talmud, the Pope called for an investigation of the Talmud that resulted in its condemnation and burning. Twenty-four cartloads of Hebrew manuscripts were publicly burned....
Ez történt - Május 29.-én 2013-05-29 00:52:06
Május 29. 1453 May 29, CONSTANTINOPLE (Ottoman Empire) Fell to the Turks under Mohammed II. Jews were welcomed to settle in the city. Turkey provided a refuge for thousands of Jews who were soon forced to leave the Iberian peninsula. 1554 May 29, POPE JULIUS III After an appeal by Jews in Catholic countries, the Pope agreed only to allow the burning of the Talmud, but n...
Ez történt - Május 20.-án 2013-05-20 10:44:11
Május 20. 1092. május 20. Az I. László elnökletével tartott szabolcsi zsinaton a magyarországi főpapság többek között megtiltja, hogy a zsidók keresztény feleséget vagy szolgát tartsanak, kényszeríti a lakosságot, hogy a templomok közelében telepedjék meg, fellép a pogány áldozás ellen, valamint elítéli az ,,erkölcstelen nőket" és a ,,boszorkányokat". (Vö. 354. december 1.; 356...
Ez történt - Május 1.-én 2013-05-01 07:43:03
Május 1. C. 130 BABYLON The Jewish population numbered between 800,000 and 1,200,000, which was between 10-12% of the entire population. The Jews were semi-autonomous and had full freedom of religion. 136 JERUSALEM (Eretz Israel) Hadrian built a pagan temple on the site of the destroyed Temple. He renamed the city Aelia Capatolina and forbade Jews to enter into the city...
Ez történt - Április 28.-án 2013-04-28 08:23:56
Április 28. 1881 April 28, (Easter) KHERSON, ELIZABETHGRAD (Russia) A tavern dispute on blood libels spawned massive outbreaks against the Jews (in which soldiers often joined) in Kiev (May 12) and Odessa (May 15). In all, over a 223 pogroms occurred in Russia over the next two years. Ignatyev, the Minister of the Interior, insisted that the Jews caused the pogroms. General D...
Ez történt - Január 22.-én 2013-01-22 10:33:21
Január 22. 306 COUNCIL OF ELVIRA One of the earliest Christian councils, it decreed that intermarriage and social intercourse with Jews were forbidden. 1729 January 22, - 1781 GOTTHOLD LESSING (Germany) Poet, philosopher and playwright. Although a strong believing Christian, he advocated religious tolerance. His plays portrayed the Jews as decent, admirable people (Die...
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