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Angol idézetek a nőkről 2024-03-18 21:45:08
Angol idézetek a nőkről When men and women agree, it is only in their conclusions; their reasons are always different. Ha egy férfi és egy nő egyetért, csak a konklúzió közös; az érveik mindig különböznek. George Santayana A woman has two smiles that an angel might envy, the smi...
x 2013-09-30 16:09:04
Eliot, T. S.: Átokföldje (The Waste Land in Hungarian) The Waste Land (English) "Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi in ampulla pendere, et cum illi pueri dicerent: Sibylla ti theleis; respondebat illa: apothanein thelo." "For I myself saw the Sibyl indeed at Cumae with my own eyes hanging in a jar; and when the boys used to say to her,...
Ez történt - November 20.-án 2012-11-20 08:04:45
November 20. 1529. november 20. VII. Kelemen pápasága idején Bernardino da Palestrinát eretnekség miatt élve elégetik a máglyán. 1892. november 20. Franciaországban Édouard Drumont La Libre Parole című antiszemita lapjának leleplező cikkei nyomán öngyilkosságot követ el Jacques de Reinach báró, a Panama-csatorna Társaság égisze alatt folyó nagyszabású pénzügyi svindli egyik...
Ez történt - November 20.-án 2011-11-20 08:18:51
November 20. 1529. november 20. VII. Kelemen pápasága idején Bernardino da Palestrinát eretnekség miatt élve elégetik a máglyán. 1892. november 20. Franciaországban Édouard Drumont La Libre Parole című antiszemita lapjának leleplező cikkei nyomán öngyilkosságot követ el Jacques de Reinach báró, a Panama-csatorna Társaság égisze alatt folyó nagyszabású pénzügyi svindli egyik...
love2 2009-07-28 08:01:04
A special world for you and me A special bond one cannot see It wraps us up in its cocoon And holds us fiercely in its womb. Its fingers spread like fine spun gold Gently nestling us to the fold Like silken thread it holds us fast Bonds like this are meant to last. And though at times a...
Hilary naplója 2008-04-04 20:35:37
What's up? I have been busy in the studio working on my new album. I am very happy with the way it is turning out. I have been working with great writers who have excellent knowledge and insight which makes it better for me. I head to New York in a few days to check out New York fashion week and release my new fragrance With Love... Hilary Duff. The new album should be out in a fe...
the 3 messianic miracles 2007-04-27 10:34:00
The Messianic miracles of Jesus All the miracles of Jesus did pointed to Him to be Israel's Messiah. Jesus did not just heal the sick and raise the dead for the express purpose of taking their suffering away or to show the power he had. The purpose was to produce the credentials of his kingdom. Jesus life ministry was to physically heal so that they would know from these...
Dinosaurs 2006-11-16 15:24:42
Long ago great creatures roamed our planet - DINOSAURS! What weird and wonderful animals they were - all different kinds, from giants to midgets. Today there remain MANY MYSTERIES to be solved about these marvelous animals. What did they really look like? Why did they die out? How do dinosaurs fit into history? What do their fossils tell about our planet? (...and a thousand other...
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