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A Gofriszikla. 2017-02-16 22:02:19
1962-ig a mai Jennings Radolph-tó helyén egy apró amerikai városka, Shaw állt. Az Amerikai Hadsereg Mérnökkara ekkor úgy döntött, hogy a település beáldozható, és gátat építettek a Potomac-folyóra, hogy elárasszák a völgyet, és a benne fekvő várost. Az eredetileg Bloomington-tóra keresztelt vízduzzasztás 1981-re készült el teljesen, a helyieknek pedig a 60-as években össze kellett...
Ez történt - Augusztus 1.-én 2013-08-01 07:40:28
Augusztus 1. 641 SOLIN (near Split, present day Croatia) After an attack by the Mongolian Avars, the Jewish community which had existed for 300 years was destroyed. 992 TREVES (France) The Bishop ordered the mass conversion of the Jewish population. Before the edict took effect, the Jews spent the day fasting and an effigy of the Bishop was burned. He died the same day a...
Ez történt - Április 5.-én 2013-04-05 06:52:15
Április 5. 418 MINORCA (Balearic Islands off Spain's eastern coast) Severus, the bishop of Minorca, claimed to have forced 540 Jews to accept Christianity upon conquering the Island. This is the first we know of Jews on this Island as well as the first case of Jews being forced to convert or face expulsion. Although in general forced conversions (as laid down by Pope Gregory...
Ez történt - Augusztus 1.-én 2012-08-01 07:50:54
Augusztus 1. 641 SOLIN (near Split, present day Croatia) After an attack by the Mongolian Avars, the Jewish community which had existed for 300 years was destroyed. 992 TREVES (France) The Bishop ordered the mass conversion of the Jewish population. Before the edict took effect, the Jews spent the day fasting and an effigy of the Bishop was burned. He died the same day a...
Ez történt - Április 5.-én 2012-04-05 09:55:40
Április 5. 418 MINORCA (Balearic Islands off Spain's eastern coast) Severus, the bishop of Minorca, claimed to have forced 540 Jews to accept Christianity upon conquering the Island. This is the first we know of Jews on this Island as well as the first case of Jews being forced to convert or face expulsion. Although in general forced conversions (as laid down by Pope Gregory...
Ez történt - Augusztus 1.-én 2011-08-01 07:54:15
Augusztus 1. 641 SOLIN (near Split, present day Croatia) After an attack by the Mongolian Avars, the Jewish community which had existed for 300 years was destroyed. 992 TREVES (France) The Bishop ordered the mass conversion of the Jewish population. Before the edict took effect, the Jews spent the day fasting and an effigy of the Bishop was burned. He died the same day a...
Ez történt - Április 5.-én 2011-04-05 08:12:57
Április 5. 418 MINORCA (Balearic Islands off Spain's eastern coast) Severus, the bishop of Minorca, claimed to have forced 540 Jews to accept Christianity upon conquering the Island. This is the first we know of Jews on this Island as well as the first case of Jews being forced to convert or face expulsion. Although in general forced conversions (as laid down by Pope Gregory...
Tollas Tibor igazsága 2008-02-08 17:49:28
Juhász László Tollas Tibor igazsága Trianon évének legsötétebb napján, 1920. december 21-én született, a Borsod megyei Nagybarcán. Édesapjától a Kohlmann, édesanyjától a Kecskési, az irodalomtól pedig a Tollas nevet kapta. Apai örökségét tizennégy éves koráig viselte. Akkor felvette édesanyja családi nevét, mivel a tiszti pályán megkívánták az idegen nevek magyarosítását....
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