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Így kisértik a démonok az embereket 2021-04-23 22:46:11
Black | Death [Thrash] Metal 2019-05-06 01:28:17" target="_blank"> Malevolent Creation - Thou Shall Kill!" target="_blank"> Mortification - Overseer" target="_blank"> Rotting Corpse - Rotting Corpse
Ambient 2019-03-04 12:55:36" target="_blank"> Black Mountain Transmitter - Black Goat Of The Woods" target="_blank"> Hate Forest - Black God" target="_blank"> Hate Forest - Burning churches
x 2013-09-30 16:09:04
Eliot, T. S.: Átokföldje (The Waste Land in Hungarian) The Waste Land (English) "Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi in ampulla pendere, et cum illi pueri dicerent: Sibylla ti theleis; respondebat illa: apothanein thelo." "For I myself saw the Sibyl indeed at Cumae with my own eyes hanging in a jar; and when the boys used to say to her,...
Ez történt - Augusztus 26.-án 2013-08-26 08:02:05
Augusztus 26. 1280 August 26, KING JAMES I OF ARAGON Under the influence of the Dominican Friar Raymond Martini, he ordered all disparaging statements regarding Jesus and Mary erased from the Talmud. In addition, the Mishneh Torah of Maimonides was condemned to be burned due to references to Jesus in the chapter on the laws of kingship. ...
Ez történt - Július 16.-án 2013-07-16 08:12:40
Július 16. 1054. július 16. Umbe bíboros, IX. Leó pápa követe Konstantinápolyban kihirdeti a Mikhaél Kerulláriosz bizánci pátriárkát kiközösítő bullát, és ezzel kettészakad a kereszténység. 1391 July 16, VALENCIA (Spain) King Pedro IV ordered that all Jews who had hidden in Christian houses be allowed to return to their homes unmolested. Furthermore, he decreed that synago...
Ez történt - Május 26.-án 2013-05-26 01:09:23
Május 26. 1171. május 26. Miután Blois városában eltűnik egy kisfiú, a helyi zsidókat megvádolják a gyerek rituális meggyilkolásával és közülük harminckettőt megégetnek. Ez az első ilyen eset Franciaországban. 1171 May 26, BLOIS, (France) First ritual murder accusation in Continental Europe. Fifty-one Jews were burned, 17 of them women. As they were burning, they chanted t...
Ez történt - Május 22.-én 2013-05-22 09:13:56
Május 22. 1370. május 22. Brüsszelből kiűzik a zsidókat. 1370 May 22, ALLEGED HOST DESECRATIONS (Brussels, Belgium) After killing a local wealthy Jew, the perpetrators tried to cover their tracks by accusing the Jews of Host desecration and escaping in the resulting confusion. A few hundred Jews were killed and the rest were banished from the country. A holiday was declare...
Ez történt - Március 13. -án 2013-03-13 06:42:28
Március 13. 205 HIPPOLYTUS OF ROME Wrote Contra Judaeous, which blamed the harsh conditions of the Jews on their rejection of Jesus. 702 DAHRA (Dahiya) AL KAHINA (Southeast Algeria) Jewish "priestess". She led an alliance of Berber tribes which was defeated by Moslem forces. She was said to have lived 127 years and ruled with her 3 sons over the tribe of Jerava for 65 y...
Ez történt - Március 7. -én 2013-03-07 08:24:41
Március 7. 807 HARUN AL RASHID (Persia) Forced Jews to wear a yellow badge and Christians to wear a blue badge. 1204 VIENNA (Austria) First record of a synagogue being built there. Vienna's Jews enjoyed more freedom than those in other areas of Austria. Often local princes used their own judgment to give extra privileges to Jews without changing the general character of...
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