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A legszebb angol idézetek - életről, szerelemről,barátságról 2021-03-23 20:00:28
ooOoo 2019-03-12 07:28:56
Universal Project - Tempest Total Science - Out Of Touch Bad Company - Trick Of The Light Bad Company - Dead-Side Bad Company - 4 Days Forbidden Society - Soul Scanner ....................................................... "Total Science is the stage name of drum and bass producers Jason Greenhalgh and Paul Smith. The pair first met in 1987, both living on B...
x 2013-11-15 11:43:21
Edgar Lee Masters -Spoon River Anthology - Judge Selah Lively Suppose you stood just five feet two, And had worked your way as a grocery clerk, Studying law by candle light Until you became an attorney at law? And then suppose through your diligence, And regular church attendance, You became attorney for Thomas Rhodes, collecting notes and mortga...
Szegfűszeg (Syzygium aromaticum) 2013-11-09 18:59:12
The State of Israel - The First 25 Years 2013-06-08 11:55:57
Zionists Choose Palestine To establish a Jewish state, territory was needed, but where? It worried the Zionists from the start, but they did not think only of Palestine. L Pinsker, a Zionist ideologist, wrote: We do not have to settle at the very place where our statehood was crushed and wiped out... We want nothing but a tract of land that would be our property......
Ez történt - Május 24.-én 2013-05-24 11:12:29
Május 24. 1241 May 24, FRANKFURT(-ON-MAIN) (Germany) A Jewish boy preparing for baptism was persuaded by his parents to repent. As a result, local Christians attacked the Jews who fought back and a number of townspeople were killed. As the attack intensified and seeing no other option, the Jews set fire to their houses. The fire spread to the rest of the community, destroying...
Ez történt - Február 14.-én 2013-02-14 09:53:36
Február 14. 306 COUNCIL OF ELVIRA One of the earliest Christian councils, it decreed that intermarriage and social intercourse with Jews were forbidden. 516 SOUTHERN ARABIA King Ohu Nuwas adopted Judaism, perhaps as a bulwark against encroaching Christianity. He was eventually defeated by King Eleboas of Abyssinia, with the help of Justin I. 808 FEZ (Morocco) Foun...
Geönczeöl Gyula : A WERFEN VONAT EREDETE 2013-01-26 05:57:33
A magyar gazdaság fejlődésének kérdéseivel a hetvenes évek óta foglalkozom. Akkoriban mérnökként dolgoztam a Bábolnai IKR-ben és érdekelt, hogy a gazdasági fejlődésnek milyen pénzügyi akadályai vannak. A szakma akkori álláspontja az volt, hogy a növekedő államadósságot akár egy éves kukorica - terméssel ki lehet fizetni. Ekkor már megindult az ország eladósítása. Határon túli m...
Ki a "kollektív bűnös"? 2013-01-23 07:51:33
Inkább a magyar kincstári vagyon visszahozásával foglalkozzanak, amit a Párizsi békeszerződés lehetővé tesz. Továbbá a Kasztner üggyel, tekintve, hogy a new yorki székhelyű Joint megbízottja volt Magyarországon, és az ő dolga volt a zsidóknak számító személyek listába vétele Magyarországon. Amikor Eichmannal leültek az Astoriában, akkor a Joint lista alapján indultak el "...
Ez történt - Május 24.-én 2012-05-24 07:58:19
Május 24. 1241 May 24, FRANKFURT(-ON-MAIN) (Germany) A Jewish boy preparing for baptism was persuaded by his parents to repent. As a result, local Christians attacked the Jews who fought back and a number of townspeople were killed. As the attack intensified and seeing no other option, the Jews set fire to their houses. The fire spread to the rest of the community, destroying...
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