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ooOoo 2019-01-29 08:58:07" target="_blank"> The Beatles - Yellow Submarine" target="_blank"> Hatebreed - Destroy Everythin...
Orrmelléküreg -gyulladás 2016-06-21 20:32:05
Orrmelléküreg-gyulladások Dr. Huszka János harántujj széles lágyrészintenzitású fali árnyék ========================================= Akut orrmelléküreg-gyulladások felnőttkorban Összefoglalás: A szerző áttekinti a felnőttkori akut sinusitisek leggyakoribb formáit, jellemző tüneteit és kezelési lehetőségeit. Hangsúlyozza, hogy a legtöbb akut vírusos rhinitisbe...
Ez történt - Szeptember 22.-én 2013-09-22 00:33:52
Szeptember 22. 1558 September 22, RECANATI (Italy) Under the protection of Pope Paul IV, Joseph (Paul) Moro, a baptized Jew, entered a synagogue on the Day of Atonement. Holding a crucifix, he tried to preach a conversion sermon. The congregation evicted him and a near massacre occurred. Eventually the entire Jewish population was expelled. 1609. szeptember 22. Kegyence,...
Ez történt - December 11.-én 2012-12-11 05:28:39
December 11. 1883. december 11. A magyar főrendiház elveti a keresztények és a zsidók közötti polgári házasságkötés bevezetéséről két évvel korábban beterjesztett javaslatot. 1563 December 11, (25 Kislev 5327) IVAN THE TERRIBLE (Belarus) Captured Polotsk, one of the oldest Jewish communities in Lithuania, and ordered all Jews to be baptized. The 300 Jews who refused were...
Ez történt - Szeptember 22.-én 2012-09-22 07:12:53
Szeptember 22. 1558 September 22, RECANATI (Italy) Under the protection of Pope Paul IV, Joseph (Paul) Moro, a baptized Jew, entered a synagogue on the Day of Atonement. Holding a crucifix, he tried to preach a conversion sermon. The congregation evicted him and a near massacre occurred. Eventually the entire Jewish population was expelled. 1609. szeptember 22. Kegyence,...
Ez történt - December 11.-én 2011-12-11 09:56:58
December 11. 1883. december 11. A magyar főrendiház elveti a keresztények és a zsidók közötti polgári házasságkötés bevezetéséről két évvel korábban beterjesztett javaslatot. 1563 December 11, (25 Kislev 5327) IVAN THE TERRIBLE (Belarus) Captured Polotsk, one of the oldest Jewish communities in Lithuania, and ordered all Jews to be baptized. The 300 Jews who refused were...
Ez történt - Szeptember 22.-én 2011-09-22 06:37:36
Szeptember 22. 1558 September 22, RECANATI (Italy) Under the protection of Pope Paul IV, Joseph (Paul) Moro, a baptized Jew, entered a synagogue on the Day of Atonement. Holding a crucifix, he tried to preach a conversion sermon. The congregation evicted him and a near massacre occurred. Eventually the entire Jewish population was expelled. 1609. szeptember 22. Kegyence,...
Giving thanks to Allah 2009-06-11 21:28:15
Being grateful is to render one's thanks to someone who has shown favor, to express gratitude and to appreciate. The concept of being grateful to Allah, on the other hand, is to grasp and express that every kind of grace and favor is granted exclusively by Allah. In the Qur'an, the opposite of being grateful is defined by the term “disbelief", which is syno...
Asr prayer 2009-03-12 17:56:25
Every Muslim knows that Salaah is the most important pillar of Islam after Imaan. Salaah has in fact been ordained as the corner stone of success of the People of Imaan. This is why the Shari'ah has emphasized that it should be performed correctly and punctually. Allah Ta'ala says in the Qur'aan: Safeguard your Salaah and (especially) the middle Salaah (i.e. Asr Salaah) and stand...
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