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Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) 2019-03-21 15:01:48" target="_blank"> ASMR Copperplate Calligraphy and Nib Sounds" target="_blank"> British Pakistani woman finishes writing Quran in 15 years in beautiful calligraphy https://www...
Ez történt ma 2014-01-28 20:26:23
Január 28. 600 ARABIA Jews had formed many warlike tribes. They were renowned, especially in Yathuolb (Medina), Khaiba and Taima, for their advanced knowledge of irrigation. They introduced the date palm, grape vines and the honey bee. 830 BENJAMIN BEN MOSHE NEHAWENDI (Persia) Was considered the real successor to Anan ben David, the founder of the Karaite sect, alth...
x 2013-10-02 13:40:52
Stevens, Wallace: A rend eszméje Key Westnél (The Idea of Order at Key West Magyar nyelven) The Idea of Order at Key West (Angol) She sang beyond the genius of the sea. The water never formed to mind or voice, Like a body wholly body, fluttering Its empty sleeves; and yet its mimic motion Made constant cry, caused constantly a cry, That was not ours alth...
Ez történt - Május 27.-én 2013-05-27 09:34:36
Május 27 1096 May 27, MAYENCE (Germany) Count Emicho entered Mayence. Approximately 1200 Jews took refuge in the Episcopal Palace and, seeing no other escape from forced conversion, chose suicide using ritual slaughter knives. Each family head killed his wife and children, with the leaders killing themselves last. The idea of suicide, normally abhorrent, was considered accept...
Ez történt - Január 28.-án 2013-01-28 02:05:14
Január 28. 600 ARABIA Jews had formed many warlike tribes. They were renowned, especially in Yathuolb (Medina), Khaiba and Taima, for their advanced knowledge of irrigation. They introduced the date palm, grape vines and the honey bee. 830 BENJAMIN BEN MOSHE NEHAWENDI (Persia) Was considered the real successor to Anan ben David, the founder of the Karaite sect, although...
Ez történt - Május 27.-én 2012-05-27 07:29:38
Május 27 1096 May 27, MAYENCE (Germany) Count Emicho entered Mayence. Approximately 1200 Jews took refuge in the Episcopal Palace and, seeing no other escape from forced conversion, chose suicide using ritual slaughter knives. Each family head killed his wife and children, with the leaders killing themselves last. The idea of suicide, normally abhorrent, was considered accept...
Ez történt - Január 28.-án 2012-01-28 09:10:35
Január 28. 600 ARABIA Jews had formed many warlike tribes. They were renowned, especially in Yathuolb (Medina), Khaiba and Taima, for their advanced knowledge of irrigation. They introduced the date palm, grape vines and the honey bee. 830 BENJAMIN BEN MOSHE NEHAWENDI (Persia) Was considered the real successor to Anan ben David, the founder of the Karaite sect, although...
dy 2011-10-23 13:51:41
This Side Of The Truth (for Llewelyn) This side of the truth, You may not see, my son, King of your blue eyes In the blinding country of youth, That all is undone, Under the unminding skies, Of innocence and guilt Before you move to make One gesture of the heart or head, Is gathered and spilt Into the winding dark Like the dust of the d...
Meghalt Gary Moore 2011-02-07 15:59:09
Vasárnap 58 éves korában elhunyt Gary Moore, rock- és blues-gitáros. Moore a legendás ír együttes, a Thin Lizzy tagja volt és szólókarrierjében is nagy sikereket ért el - közölte a Függelten Hírügynökség. A Belfastban született gitárost Spanyolországban, esteponai luxusszállodájában találták holtan kora reggel. Az Irish Times értesülései szerinta közeli Malagában fogják felboncol...
A Rhodes elektromos zongora 2009-12-16 21:23:21
A Rhodes egy széles körben elterjedt és sok zenei stílusban, jellemzően a funky és a 60-as évek rockzenéjében használt jellegzetes hangszínű elektromos zongora, melynek fejlesztése Harold Rhodes nevéhez fűződik. Harold Rhodes a Xylette-tel, vagy más néven Army Air Corps Pia...
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