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Melodic Death Metal 2019-05-09 01:57:39" target="_blank"> In Flames - Behind Space" target="_blank"> In Flames - Lunar Strain" target="_blank"> In Flames - Ever...
Szép gondolatok... 2016-06-08 21:12:57
"Valamit őrizni fogok magamban mélyen, amit soha nem veszíthetek el. Ami nem kophat el. (...) Valamit, ami láthatatlan. Valamit, amit minden egyes pillanatban éreztünk, ahogy megláttuk egymást." Albert Tímea ...
Ez történt - Október 31.-én 2013-10-31 22:44:16
Október 31. 1337 September 30, DECKENDORF, BAVARIA (Germany) Host desecration was alleged and violence spread to fifty-one communities, including Bohemia and Austria. To this day people come on pilgrimages to the church where paintings show Jews in medieval dress desecrating the host "wafers 1919. október 31. ,,A zsidók keresztre feszítésének be kell fejeződnie”...
x 2013-10-22 09:35:10
-Swinburne, Charles Algernon: A terhek balladája (A Ballad of Burdens Magyar nyelven) A Ballad of Burdens (Angol) The burden of fair women. Vain delight, And love self-slain in some sweet shameful way, And sorrowful old age that comes by night As a thief comes that has no heart by day, And change that finds fair cheeks and leaves them grey, And weariness...
y1 2013-10-06 16:25:55
Thomas Stearns Eliot - The Rock, Chor V (English) О Lord, deliver me from the man of excellent intention and impure heart: for the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite and Geshem the Arabian: were doubtless men of public spirit and zeal. Preserve me from the enemy who has something to ga...
x3 2013-10-06 13:27:39
-Eliot, T. S.: Négy kvartett/3 (Four Quartets/3 in Hungarian) Four Quartets/3 (English) THE DRY SALVAGES (No. 3 of 'Four Quartets') (The Dry Salvages—presumably les trois sauvages—is a small group of rocks, with a beacon, off the N.E. coast of Cape Ann, Massachusetts. Salvages is pronounced to rhyme with assuages. Groaner: a whistling buoy.)...
x 4 2013-10-06 13:27:19
Eliot, T. S.: Négy kvartett/4 (Four Quartets/4 in Hungarian) Four Quartets/4 (English) LITTLE GIDDING (No. 4 of 'Four Quartets') I Midwinter spring is its own season Sempiternal though sodden towards sundown, Suspended in time, between pole and tropic. When the short day is brightest, with frost and fire, The brief sun flames the ice, on pond...
x 2013-09-30 16:09:04
Eliot, T. S.: Átokföldje (The Waste Land in Hungarian) The Waste Land (English) "Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi in ampulla pendere, et cum illi pueri dicerent: Sibylla ti theleis; respondebat illa: apothanein thelo." "For I myself saw the Sibyl indeed at Cumae with my own eyes hanging in a jar; and when the boys used to say to her,...
Angol idézetek 2013-08-19 17:53:36
A tree is known by its fruit a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love. Saint Basil Everything is changeable, everything appears and disappears there is no blissful peace until one passes beyond the agony of life and death. Buddha The only really good place to buy lumber is at a sto...
Ez történt - Június 6.-án 2013-06-06 10:15:23
Június 6. 1242 June 6, PARIS (France) All copies of the Talmud were confiscated by decree of Pope Gregory IX and King Louis. Declaring that the reason for the stubbornness of the Jews was their study of the Talmud, the Pope called for an investigation of the Talmud that resulted in its condemnation and burning. Twenty-four cartloads of Hebrew manuscripts were publicly burned....
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