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2017.03.17 penitential Liturgy - Vatikan 2017-03-17 20:54:38
2017.03.17 penitential Liturgy Videó...
x 2013-10-01 04:05:11
Eliot, T. S.: Eliot úr vasárnap délelőtti istentisztelete (Mr. Eliot's Sunday Morning Service in Hungarian Mr. Eliot's Sunday Morning Service (English) Look, look, master, here comes two religions caterpillars. - The Jew of Malta. Polyphiloprogenitive The sapient sutlers of the Lord Drift across the window-panes. In the beginning was the Word....
Ez történt - December 10.-én 2012-12-10 05:44:15
December 10. 1239. december 10. IX. Gergely pápa engedélyt ad IV. Béla magyar királynak, hogy országa jövedelmét zsidóknak és más nem keresztényeknek is bérbe adhassa. 1486 December 10, AUTO DA FE AT TOLEDO (Spain) This time more than 900 people were persecuted and humiliated at the Auto da Fe. Though many suffered on the forced penitential marches, no one was actually kil...
Ez történt - December 10.-én 2011-12-10 06:00:30
December 10. 1239. december 10. IX. Gergely pápa engedélyt ad IV. Béla magyar királynak, hogy országa jövedelmét zsidóknak és más nem keresztényeknek is bérbe adhassa. 1486 December 10, AUTO DA FE AT TOLEDO (Spain) This time more than 900 people were persecuted and humiliated at the Auto da Fe. Though many suffered on the forced penitential marches, no one was actually kil...
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