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Az egész civilizált világ adósa Magyarországnak az ő múltjáé 2022-05-03 21:15:36
ccCcc 2019-05-17 06:30:13" target="_blank"> Model 500 - Bang The Beat (Instrumental Version)" target="_blank"> Model 500 - Off TO Battle" target="_blank"> DJ Dijital - Logic 1
ooOoo 2019-01-29 08:58:07" target="_blank"> The Beatles - Yellow Submarine" target="_blank"> Hatebreed - Destroy Everythin...
Ez történt - Szeptember 28.-án 2013-09-28 06:39:49
Szeptember 28. 1775 September 28, STOCKHOLM (Sweden) Aaron Isaac, a gem carver, became the first Jew to be granted the right of residence in Sweden. Within 3 years he was joined by 40 families. 1882. szeptember 28. Pozsonyban három napig tartó zsidóellenes megmozdulásokra kerül sor. 1901 September 28, - 1990 WILLIAM SAMUEL PALEY (USA) Radio and television pioneer. Pa...
Ez történt - Július 13.-án 2013-07-13 00:08:28
Július 13. 1564 July 13, BREST LITVOSK (Lithuania) Abraham, the son of a wealthy and envied Jewish tax collector, was accused of killing the family's Christian servant for ritual purposes. He was tortured and executed. King Sigmund Augustus forbade future charges of ritual murder, calling them groundless. 1933 July 13, GERMANY Nazism was declared the sole German party....
First cup match....a challenge 2013-05-15 11:32:30
We just had our first cup match in the new season. In the previous seasons my team couldn't defeat anybody in cup matches, so on Wednesday I wanted to set up the best tactic and formation I can. Now I am in the VI. class, so I have decided to take everything seriously in this season. There are no bot teams in my group anymore, and there are a few teams, which have much better rati...
Ez történt - Április 20.-án 2013-04-20 08:12:00
Április 20. 1233. április 20. ,,Ille humanis generi", illetve ,,Licet ad capiendos" kezdetű bulláival IX. Gergely (vö. 1233. június 13.) a franciaországi eretnekek üldözését ,,Isten kutyáira" (Domini canes), a dominikánus rend szerzeteseire bízza. Az eretnekek elleni erőszakos fellépésében az egyház a legnagyobb tanítóira hivatkozott. ,,Eze...
Ez történt - Szeptember 28.-án 2012-09-28 07:29:17
Szeptember 28. 1775 September 28, STOCKHOLM (Sweden) Aaron Isaac, a gem carver, became the first Jew to be granted the right of residence in Sweden. Within 3 years he was joined by 40 families. 1882. szeptember 28. Pozsonyban három napig tartó zsidóellenes megmozdulásokra kerül sor. 1901 September 28, - 1990 WILLIAM SAMUEL PALEY (USA) Radio and television pioneer. Pa...
Ez történt - Július 13.-án 2012-07-13 07:53:07
Július 13. 1564 July 13, BREST LITVOSK (Lithuania) Abraham, the son of a wealthy and envied Jewish tax collector, was accused of killing the family's Christian servant for ritual purposes. He was tortured and executed. King Sigmund Augustus forbade future charges of ritual murder, calling them groundless. 1933 July 13, GERMANY Nazism was declared the sole German party....
Perfect Red Rose by Thomas Kinkade 2012-06-22 15:50:49
Perfect Red Rose by Thomas Kinkade The red rose is the flower of passion. It is the rich scarlet of our heart's blood. A Perfect Red Rose is the emblem of the greatest love of all. As such, it also represents the human love that so enriches our lives — of man for woman, of parent for child...
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