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A HMS Duke of York csatahajó 2017-04-16 22:10:22
A HMS Duke of York a Brit Királyi Haditengerészet V. György osztályú csatahajója volt. Az 1941-ben szolgálatba állított hajó az egyik legmodernebb brit hadihajó volt a második világháború során. 1941 decemberében a Duke of York fedélzetén utazott az Egyesült Államokba Winsto...
Ez történt ma 2014-01-12 22:09:12
Január 12. 1493 January 12, JEWS WERE EXPELLED FROM SICILY Sicily became a province of Aragon in 1412. Approximately 37,000 Jews had to leave Sicily. Despite an invitation during the 18th century, Jews, except in extremely small numbers, never returned. 1627 January 12, AMSTERDAM (Holland) The first Jewish printing press in the Netherlands was set up by Menasseh ben...
Egy újabb zsidó babonás őrület .... 2013-07-30 10:21:51
Bermuda Factored In 1942 US Invasion Scenario. A World War Two invasion of the US East Coast mounted and coordinated from an Axis base in Nazi-occupied Bermuda sounds like a scenario dreamed up by a science fiction writer - and it was. But when "Life" magazine commissioned novelist Philip Wylie to come up with six variations based on the theme of an imminent German/Italia...
Ez történt - Június 8.-án 2013-06-08 11:10:56
Június 8. 1288 June 8, BONN (Germany) Riots, after a ritual murder accusation, left 104 Jews dead. 1815 June 8, NAPOLEON'S DEFEAT AT WATERLOO, CONGRESS OF VIENNA The immediate effect on the Jews of Napoleon's deposition was a return to their previous lack of freedom. At the Vienna Congress, Jews sent a Christian attorney, Carl Buchortz, to act on their behalf. An agreem...
Ez történt - Február 13.-án 2013-02-13 02:18:32
Február 13. 1195 February 13, SPEYER RITUAL MURDER LIBEL (Germany) Although there was no proof of any wrongdoing, the rabbi's daughter was dismembered and her body was hung in the market place for a few days. The rabbi and many others were killed and their houses burned. 1278. február 13. III. Miklós pápa parancsára elevenen megégetnek 160 eretneket a veronai amfiteátrumb...
Ez történt - Február 12.-én 2013-02-12 10:03:41
Február 12. 1481 February 12, FIRST AUTO DA FE (Seville, Spain) Six Marrano men and six women were burned alive for allegedly practicing Judaism. The Auto da Fe (Act of Faith) combined the Judicial ceremony of the Inquisition with vociferous sermons. An individual could be denounced for having lapsed back into his old religion or committing heresy. Although the Inquisition an...
Ez történt - Február 11.-én 2013-02-11 00:33:37
Február 11. 1201 February 11, WORMS (Germany) Jews took up arms to fight alongside the city's non-Jewish residents against an attack. At that time Jews were still permitted to bear arms in various cities in Germany, although this privilege would soon be abolished. 1673 February 11, ENGLAND According to the Conventicle Act of 1664, any prayer meeting of more the five per...
Ez történt - Február 4.-én 2013-02-04 09:09:32
Február 4. 1542. február 4. Rómában elevenen megégetik az eretnekségben vétkes Giandomenico dell'Aquilát. Akkoriban III. Pál (Alessandro Farnese) személyében egy hitetlen ült a pápai trónon. (Vö. 1541. január 17.) 1883 February 4, COUNT K.I. PAHLEN (Russia) Was commissioned by Alexander III to "Study of the Current Laws Concerning the Jews" . His report, issued on May 24,...
Ez történt - Január 12.-én 2013-01-12 11:08:42
Január 12. 1493 January 12, JEWS WERE EXPELLED FROM SICILY Sicily became a province of Aragon in 1412. Approximately 37,000 Jews had to leave Sicily. Despite an invitation during the 18th century, Jews, except in extremely small numbers, never returned. 1627 January 12, AMSTERDAM (Holland) The first Jewish printing press in the Netherlands was set up by Menasseh ben Is...
Ez történt - December 26.-án 2012-12-26 07:05:16
December 26. 480. december 26-án számolták fel az utolsó római ellenállókat, akik ragaszkodtak az ókor folytatásához. 1495 December 26, SAVONAROLA (Italy) Expelled the Medici and the Jews from Florence. The Jews, who had previously served as the Medici's bankers, were replaced by the Monte di Pieta, a public loan bank. ...
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