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Black | Death [Thrash] Metal 2019-05-06 01:28:17" target="_blank"> Malevolent Creation - Thou Shall Kill!" target="_blank"> Mortification - Overseer" target="_blank"> Rotting Corpse - Rotting Corpse
Üzenet Kanadából a hamis hírünket keltőknek 2014-02-09 11:25:52
Üzenet Kanadából a hamis hírünket keltőknek Magyar antiszemitizmus? Magyar rasszizmusról, antiszemitizmusról és cigány üldözésről gajdolnak a baloldali politikusok, és terjesztik ezt a tévhitet az egész világon. Mi pedig gyámoltalanul és hatástalanul védekezünk. Természetesen mások bűnei nem kicsinyítik a néhányunk őseikét, de nem vagyunk kötelesek egyedül elszenvedni...
Ez történt ma 2014-01-28 20:26:23
Január 28. 600 ARABIA Jews had formed many warlike tribes. They were renowned, especially in Yathuolb (Medina), Khaiba and Taima, for their advanced knowledge of irrigation. They introduced the date palm, grape vines and the honey bee. 830 BENJAMIN BEN MOSHE NEHAWENDI (Persia) Was considered the real successor to Anan ben David, the founder of the Karaite sect, alth...
Ez történt ma 2014-01-27 20:41:06
Január 27. 313 EDICT OF TOLERATION (Roman Empire) The Emperor Constantine and his co-emperor Licinius officially recognized Christianity. This edict authorized the toleration of different religions in the Roman Empire yet gave supremacy to Christianity. 921 AARON BEN MEIR (Eretz Israel) Leader and sage. He devised a change in the calendar, and as part of his efforts...
Ez történt - Szeptember 13.-án 2013-09-13 17:55:40
Szeptember 13. 1084 September 13, SPEYER (Germany) In an effort to convince Jews to settle in his town the local Bishop Rudiger offered them a legal status superior to what would be offered them elsewhere in Germany. It read, in part: "Desiring to make a city out of our village of Speyer, I have admitted the Jews.....I have thought to multiply one thousand times the honor of o...
Ez történt - Szeptember 13.-án 2013-09-13 08:57:46
Szeptember 13. 1084 September 13, SPEYER (Germany) In an effort to convince Jews to settle in his town the local Bishop Rudiger offered them a legal status superior to what would be offered them elsewhere in Germany. It read, in part: "Desiring to make a city out of our village of Speyer, I have admitted the Jews.....I have thought to multiply one thousand times the honor of...
Ez történt - Szeptember 7.-én 2013-09-07 01:39:08
Szeptember 7. 1434 September 7, COUNCIL OF BASEL (Switzerland) Instituted new measures against the Jews throughout Europe. The council, aside from adopting many of the old measures like preventing interaction between Jews and Christians, prohibited Jews from entering universities, and forced them to listen to conversion sermons. The council encouraged Christian study of Hebre...
Ez történt - Augusztus 13.-án 2013-08-13 08:20:59
Augusztus 13. 1551 August 13, SIGISMUND II AGUSTUS (Poland) The last Jagello monarch of Poland issued a proclamation which permitted Jews to elect their own chief rabbi and judges, answerable only to the King. It is appropriately called the "Magna Carta of Jewish Self-Government". He also permitted Jews to settle in Vilna without restrictions other then being limited to certa...
The State of Israel - The First 25 Years 2013-06-08 11:55:57
Zionists Choose Palestine To establish a Jewish state, territory was needed, but where? It worried the Zionists from the start, but they did not think only of Palestine. L Pinsker, a Zionist ideologist, wrote: We do not have to settle at the very place where our statehood was crushed and wiped out... We want nothing but a tract of land that would be our property......
Az EU jelene 2013-05-25 11:51:43
A brit para Amióta eszüket tudják, a britek mindig is gyanakodva pislogtak át a Csatornán, s egykori nagyhatalmi státuszuk romjain üldögélve szilárd meggyőződéssel vallották, hogy minden újítás, ami a kontinensről jön, imádott Britanniájuknak csak oltári nagy szívás lehet. Ha meg ráadásul ennek az újításnak a születésénél a két ősellenség (a franciák és a németek) is ott bábásk...
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