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ooOoo 2019-02-05 09:51:02" target="_blank"> Cult Leader - Great I Am" target="_blank"> Cult Leader - The Sorrower" target="_blank"> Cult Leader - sympathetic" target="...
Ez történt - Október 2.-án 2013-10-02 08:40:15
Október 2. 807 HARUN AL RASHID (Persia) Forced Jews to wear a yellow badge and Christians to wear a blue badge. C. 920 - 989 AARON BEN MOSES BEN ASHER (Tiberias, Eretz Israel) The last and most renowned of the Massorets and a contemporary of Sa'adia Gaon. The Massorets were a group of sages who reviewed the Bible and added punctuation and vowels in order to make it more...
Ez történt - Október 1.-én 2013-10-01 09:45:41
Október 1. 845 CHINA Sallam, a Spanish Jewish merchant, reached China. Jews often served as a mercantile bridge between the Latin and Arab speaking worlds. Hebrew remained the language used between Jews worldwide. There was also legal conformity between the far-flung Jewish communities, which further stimulated stability in trade. Sallam was said to speak 30 languages. (az els...
Ez történt - Július 11.-én 2013-07-11 09:40:13
Július 11. 1733 July 11, GEORGIA (North American Colonies) Soon after its settlement by General James Oglethorpe, the first group of Jews arrived from England. The approximately 40 Jews included Dr. Samuel Nunez, a former court physician, and Abraham de Leon, who introduced viniculture to the colony. Later that same month a group of 12 indigent German Jewish families also ar...
The State of Israel - The First 25 Years 2013-06-08 11:55:57
Zionists Choose Palestine To establish a Jewish state, territory was needed, but where? It worried the Zionists from the start, but they did not think only of Palestine. L Pinsker, a Zionist ideologist, wrote: We do not have to settle at the very place where our statehood was crushed and wiped out... We want nothing but a tract of land that would be our property......
Ez történt - Február 28. -án 2013-02-28 06:08:16
Február 28. * 380. február 28. A Közel-Keletről importált "szeretet vallása" nevében megkezdődik az őshonos európai pogány kultuszok kiirtása Theodosius kelet-római és Gratianus nyugat-római császár, mindketten keresztények, a 380. február 28-i thesszaloniki ediktummal az egyedüli hivatalos és kötelezően előírt vallás rangjára emelik a saulizmust. Gratianus ekkortól nem vise...
Ez történt - Február 10.-én 2013-02-10 09:15:07
Február 10. 1258 February 10, - 1335 Il-khan (Mongol) Dynasty PERSIA With the fall of Baghdad to the grandson of Genghis Khan, the Mongol dynasty replaced the Abbasids in Persia. The Mongols were for the most part tolerant of Judaism. An Arab writer reported that there were 36,000 Jews and 16 Synagogues in the city on the eve of the Mongolian invasion. Most of the city was de...
Ez történt - Október 2.-án 2012-10-02 06:52:24
Október 2. 807 HARUN AL RASHID (Persia) Forced Jews to wear a yellow badge and Christians to wear a blue badge. C. 920 - 989 AARON BEN MOSES BEN ASHER (Tiberias, Eretz Israel) The last and most renowned of the Massorets and a contemporary of Sa'adia Gaon. The Massorets were a group of sages who reviewed the Bible and added punctuation and vowels in order to make it more...
Ez történt - Október 1.-én 2012-10-01 09:35:06
Október 1. 845 CHINA Sallam, a Spanish Jewish merchant, reached China. Jews often served as a mercantile bridge between the Latin and Arab speaking worlds. Hebrew remained the language used between Jews worldwide. There was also legal conformity between the far-flung Jewish communities, which further stimulated stability in trade. Sallam was said to speak 30 languages. (az els...
Ez történt - Július 11.-én 2012-07-11 09:09:15
Július 11. 1733 July 11, GEORGIA (North American Colonies) Soon after its settlement by General James Oglethorpe, the first group of Jews arrived from England. The approximately 40 Jews included Dr. Samuel Nunez, a former court physician, and Abraham de Leon, who introduced viniculture to the colony. Later that same month a group of 12 indigent German Jewish families also ar...
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