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  2010-12-27 13:28:21, hétfő
International Court of Justice Árpád Kásler
Peace Palace president
2517Kj The Hague Representative of Labour
The Netherlands Organization of Bank Debtors 69 Fehér-Kőrös u. , Gyula
Hungary H-5711

Date: Gyula, 2 March 2010

Honourable International Court of Justice,

I the undersigned Árpád Kásler (date of birth: 1 July 1972, place of birth: Déva, mother's maiden name: Emilia Lukács, citizenship: Hungarian, personal identity number: 1720701 0231) as the representative of Labour Organization of Bank Debtors registered under No. 2817 by the Court of Justice of Békés County go to the Honourable International Court of Justice in Hague on behalf of the plaintiff with the following claim:

I. In the course of the past twenty years, Hungary has been harried and colonialized by the persons possessing themselves of the governance calling themselves ,,Hungarian Government and Parliament". Therefore hereby I am lodging a complaint against them owing to their capital treason, exercising their power without any authorization, the institutionalized abstraction and expropriation of coffers as well as owing to the continuous committal of antipopular actions in confraternity of crime.

Reasons for judgement

(The following points can be read under the title: “Hungary hasn't got an authoritative constitution" on the following website: )

1./ Hungary lost its independence on 19 March 1944 when the German army marched to the territory of Hungary. After the Second World Was had come to the end, the Soviet Army occupied our country and this Army stayed in Hungary up to 30 June 1991.

The predecessor of the present “provisional" Constitution of Hungary was introduced in 1949. In spring of 1947, the dictatorship of the proletariat as well as the creation of the empire of working class with the peasantry in addition the building of socialism were indicated by the Hungarian Independent People's Front as their purposes. Merely the Hungarian candidates lackeying the Soviet Union were allowed to take part in the elections in 1947. As a consequence of the changes taken place in the power during the Soviet occupation, the political system and government underwent an entire transformation in 1949. This situation manifested itself in the Law No. XX of 1949 (in the Constitution) as well that was compiled by taken the Buharin Constitution as a basis by the background-support of the Soviet Army being stationed at Hungary “temporarily".

2./ After a dictatorship lasting for 40 years, the results of negotiations carried on between the National Round Table established by the new Parties being almost void of members and the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party were ratified by the Parliament of the Bolshevik nomenclature in the month following the agreement signed on 18 September 1989 in Hungary led by János Kádár. The majority of agreements were approved in an unchanged form. To pinnacle this process, the Hungarian Republic was proclaimed on 23 October 1989 from the balcony of the Houses of Parliament by Mátyás Szűrös.

The secretary general of the Communist Party of Soviet Union Mihail Gorbacsov proclaimed the “perestroika" resulting in the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Warsaw Treaty as well as of the Council of Mutual Economic Assistance. As a result, it became possible for the independent nation-states to reconstitute their constitutional system but it didn't happen in Hungary! Hungary is the only country among the ex-socialist countries where a Constitution exists that was compiled during a military occupation. In 1989, the earlier system was changed only in political sense but not in constitutional sense.

3./ Pursuant to the Hungarian conception, the Constitution is not dictated at will by the actual political power. The constitutional legitimacy of power does not rely upon a legality having a majority principle but it aims at meeting the eternal cultural, constitutional human truth and constitutional values.

4./ The Holy Crown was delivered to Hungary in 1978 and this action has brought up the possibility and responsibility of the re-evaluation and handling of the Hungarian historical public rights in accordance with the legal forms and values valid in Western Europe. It is an elementary pretension that the Holy Crown of Hungary shall recognize as an eternal subject of law as a special personality of the state representing the completeness of chief power and suitable for creating and maintaining the social peace and equilibrium.

5./ Pursuant to the “Constitution", the earlier representatives of the communist power excluded the people of Hungary from the system of government. The oligarchy obtaining the power after 1945, legalized itself even in 1989. It means that the criminal acts and other non-legal actions committed by the communist power became forfeited so the indebtedness of the state or the nationalisation and later the spontaneous privatization became legal and undisputable in legal sense. The change of political system did not start with a constitutionally “clean sheet". As they wanted to make the past system legal afterwards, they did not give the constitutional possibility to the community for improving or changing some matters in order of the persistence. Though the present system disapproves the old system verbally, it undertakes a legal continuity with it by its actions.

It is requested that the deforciants of rights and power without authorization are arraigned at the International Court of Justice in Hague.

II. Hereby I am lodging a complaint against the representatives signing the Lisbon Treaty from the part of Hungary; the aforementioned representatives didn't have the
legitimacy necessary for signing any international treaties therefore they are treasonists.

Reasons for judgement

1./ In spring of 2006, there were elections in Hungary. Before the elections, the freemen were not informed about the real situation therefore they were unable to decide in accordance with the reality; the government kept back the state of budget by referring to the fact that the results of election could be influenced by publishing the real data. The inhabitants were informed about the painful data only after the election resulting in victory for the government. (The manipulation by misrepresentation during the elections is determined as a criminal act by point e) of section No. 211 of Criminal Code. Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány as well as the Chancellor of the Exchequer János Veres often announced in the media before the elections that they would not inform the inhabitants about the state of budget as well as about the situation of unemployment therefore they committed the criminal act of gerrymander and the criminal act of manipulating the elections by misrepresentation.)

The FIDESZ - i.e. the Party in Opposition which lost the election - initiated an action owing to the gerrymander but it didn't conduce to a result.

2./ On 17 September 2006, the speech having told by the prime minister Ferenc Gyurcsány in Balatonöszöd one month after the elections was published in the press (Appendix No. 1). In his speech, Ferenc Gyurcsány told that he had told lies, he had tried to suggest that the ministry led by him administered and by using a lot of different tricks, had tried to suggest that the country was stabile. The left-liberal political party kept the power in Hungary such a way that they used means that do not conform to the European norms. The publication of the speech resulted in disorders in the capital. The remonstrances were smashed by the police by a brutal aggression - this aggression could be seen by the leaders of EU member-states as well because - owing to the high risk - the foreign delegations left untimely the gala organized in October 2006 for celebrating the anniversary of 1956. (In spite of this fact, the leaders of these member-states accepted the aforementioned Hungarian leaders obtaining the power by tricks and aggression as negotiating partners; this fact poses the question of responsibility of the administration affairs of EU as well as the responsibility of the leaders of the other member-states).

3./ The Lisbon Treaty was practically accepted and approved by the representatives of Hungarian Parliament by common consent - without referendum - before reading the authentic translation. The FIDESZ raising an objection to the gerrymander unsuccessfully now would have had the opportunity for voting by “not" to the Treaty signed by the prime minister and the foreign minister keeping their power by lying and for enforcing the respecting of the European norms in Hungary but they missed this opportunity; they signed the Treaty eliminating practically the sovereign Hungary without reading it. (Hereby I would like to note that in our country, the body of representatives of self governments are obliged to announce a referendum for the questions concerning the autonomy of their settlement).

The Honourable Court of Justice is kindly requested to state that the Lisbon Treaty is invalid from the point of view of the Republic of Hungary.

In the last historical period, Hungary attained to the confine of its existence. Nowadays our country has become a truncated, unpeeled nation and has nothing for it but to compete for the
remaining possessions with such countries that could start from a more favourable situation

historically and that don't have any sportsmanship i.e. they try to take all the trophies from the Para-Olympic Games as healthy nations.

Pursuant to the norms of the international law, the citizens of Hungary have the right to intromit in the direction of their own destiny but the present illegitimate “Constitution" created by the persons taking part in the sacking of our country does not give any possibility for it.

The Hungarian Nation has already attempted to use all the peaceful means in order to improve its destiny. These attempts were of no avail. We live in the middle of Europe as an unpeeled nation occupied by foreign empires in addition the population of the Hungarian Nation decreases apace.

Referring to the aforementioned facts, the Honourable Court of Justice is kindly requested to express the autonomy of our nation in order that we can use this right before disappearing in the sink of history.

Yours faithfully,

Árpád Kásler
President of the Labour
Organization of Bank

Signed by:

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Címkék: constitutionally, representatives, nationalisation, aforementioned, unsuccessfully, responsibility, administration, representative, constitutional, disintegration, transformation, authorization, remonstrances, confraternity, international, expropriation, privatization, authoritative, sportsmanship, reconstitute, illegitimate, organization, constitution, manipulation, dictatorship, negotiations, undisputable, colonialized, representing, completeness, historically, unemployment, indebtedness, nomenclature, administered, independence, complaint against, dictatorship lasting, military occupation, legality having, majority principle, special personality, constitutionally “, legal continuity, brutal aggression, more favourable, International Court, Peace Palace, Bank Debtors, Hungary H-5711, Honourable International Court, Árpád Kásler, Emilia Lukács, Labour Organization, Békés County, Hungarian Government, Second World Was, Soviet Army, Hungarian Independent People’, Soviet Union, Buharin Constitution, National Round Table, Hungarian Socialist Workers’, János Kádár, Hungarian Republic, Mátyás Szűrös, Communist Party, Soviet Union Mihail Gorbacsov, Warsaw Treaty, Mutual Economic Assistance, Holy Crown, Western Europe, Hereby, Lisbon Treaty, Criminal Code, Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány, Exchequer János Veres, Ferenc Gyurcsány, Appendix No, Hungarian Parliament, Honourable Court, Para-Olympic Games, Hungarian Nation,
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